Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Secret

Ok, I might be behind on reading The Secret, but that's because I wasn't ready for it.  For two years now, I've invested in personal development books, videos, audio, and classes.  All of them have a different way of explaining the same things on how to have a fulfilling life.  The Secret is no different.  It was very refreshing to hear another way of how to achieve the things I want in life.  If you are looking for personal development resources, I would recommend these materials to start out.

Dream-Motivational Video
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Darren Daily 
Zig Ziglar
Jiro Dreams of Sushi

(If you would like to know what classes I attended, send me a message.)

This week, I will be getting ready for the Cow Palace dog show in Daly City.  I'm so excited!!!  Ready to be in the ring with my two beautiful Shiba Inu.  So if your in town to see the show, come swing by the Shiba Inu booth.  Kiyo will be relax at home while Kuma and Kyuubi are interacting with the public.

Kyuubi         Kuma         Kiyo

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Getting Back Up

Not much to write for this week.  Been busy putting myself back together and falling backwards.  Starting this week I will start walking forward again.

I'm also starting to get ready for the Cow Palace show coming up in 2 weeks from yesterday.  It's going to be a fun show this year!

By the way, I'm not sure if I introduced you to our newest member, Tin Win the cat.  He came to me from work during the summer as a young kitten.  Tin Win became sick, so I took him in so he could recover.  Little did I know that Kyuubi and Kuma became close friends with him that I couldn't separate them.  He's now about 9mo. old and a handsome boy who stays in the backyard, sleeps with the dogs, and eats everything you give him to eat.  I love him very much.  He's a cool cat.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Preparing for the New Year

I hope everyone had a great New Years.  I know mine was bitter sweet since Kuma and Kyuubi are still at Palm Springs.  My friends told me that they both did well in the show but no wins....  Oh well there is always the next show.  I've already plotted out the shows that I will be attending to up until July.  Maybe we will have better luck at those shows. 

While those two are at the show, I decided to bring over two puppies from work to the house.  My hubby-to-be wasn't very please when he found out, but he got over it.  These 6wk old Lab mixes needed some socialization with people.  Plus there wasn't much room for them at the shelter so it helped us out a bit.  They were great to have.  Tomorrow I will return them to the shelter so they have exposure to possible new families for them.  I wish these two well.

Today I was really busy on working on my goal setting notebook!  I'm so excited to have it completed and ready to go for the year.  This is also my to do list for the week.  I followed the method of a person I met this past summer.  It really does work if you take the time to do it.  This year I added picture that inspires me and gets me motivated on what I'm trying to achieve.  If you are interested in making your own, here's the link: .  I highly recommend you try it out for a year and see how you like it.  Here's a picture of my goal notebook (Sorry about the lighting on the book. Its getting late.... ^-^;).