Friday, June 29, 2012


They are here!!!! Born 6/28!!!! Total of 3 puppies! By the order of birth:

Puppy 1: male red largest one 10:45pm
Puppy 2: female red middle size 10:51pm
Puppy 3: female red smallest but a little tornado 11:04pm

Mama Kiyo is doing fine and is an excellent mother.  (^-^)

Will update later during the weekend!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

And there is....

Kiyo is pregnant with 3 puppies!!!!! X-ray confirmed the ultrasound 5 weeks earlier. But there could be a possible 4th puppy that we can't see, so when it comes to the day, I'll keep an eye for a 4th pup. But for now, I'm so excited for 3 puppies. (^o^) Today is 8 weeks exactly into here pregnancy, so any day now she can begin whelping!!!! Wish mama Kiyo luck. By the way the website to view Kiyo and the pups after they are born is

6/25 Update:  Sorry, gave you the wrong website. My boyfriend was testing one out for himself and made that channel.  Here's the correct link.
No puppies yet....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just a Heads Up!!!

Kiyo is 54 days into her pregnancy!!!!!!  I'll be taking her into work with me today to have a puppy count x-ray done!!  So excited!!!  I'll be taking a picture of the x-ray since we don't have a digital x-ray.  So keep an eye out for the next post!!!!